Our main objective is to achieve the highest excellence for our customers, maintaining impeccable quality. This goal is achieved by focusing our work on continuous improvement, ensuring and respecting established standards. At Grupo Elastorsa, we care about the well-being of all our employees to be able to reflect their expertise in our final product.


The General Management of Grupo Elastorsa has defined and approved the Quality and Environmental Policy in this document and is formally committed to Quality, Environment, Safety and Health, establishing, documenting and keeping up to date a Management System based on the IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 14001:2015 international standards, with the aim of achieving the planned objectives and the global growth of the Company.

The following objectives are therefore set out:

  • To meet the needs and expectations of our stakeholders (employees, clients, suppliers, society and shareholders).
  • To be competitive in the market, making cost reduction a permanent goal, which will force us to increase productivity and reduce internal rejects and returns.
  • To promote a culture of Prevention in the field of Health and Safety, giving it the place it deserves.
  • To comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, particularly those relating to product safety, potential risks and the environment.
  • To encourage environmentally responsible practices, promote energy efficiency and the sustainable use of resources and enhance sustainability and the protection of biodiversity.
  • To involve and train staff so that they have sufficient capacity to carry out their work satisfactorily.
  • To train our employees in problem solving, working on potential risks to avoid their occurrence, encouraging a preventive rather than a corrective attitude.
  • To commit to continuous improvement and zero defects, minimising environmental impacts.
  • To promote client orientation as a fundamental pillar of our policy.

Consequently, Grupo Elastorsa Management undertakes to provide all the necessary means to comply with this Management Policy, as well as to adapt it to the evolution of the Market and Technologies.


Carretera de Quel, 35
26580 Arnedo (Spain)
Phone: +34 941 380 200


Pol. Ind. El Inestal Parc. 19-20
37300 Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Spain)
Phone: +34 923 541 444


Carretera Artica 16
31013 Artica (Spain)
Phone: +34 948 145 388


580 rue des bruyères - ZI la Saussaye - Saint Cyr en Val
45075 Orléans Cedex 2
Phone: +33 2 38 41 45 91


Robotnícka 36
036 01 Martin (Slovakia)
Phone: +421 43 401 08 14